The Grove PCC
Where you belong
Frequently Asked Questions
We know there are things you might need to ask, see if any of the following help answer your questions.
Which age group am I in?
The cut off date for age groups is 1st September of that year, eg., if you are turning 7 on or after 1.9.21, you will be in the 6 year old as you are 6 before 1.9.14.
What Grade will I be competing in?
If you have never done any sort of physie before, you will be a C Grader. You get two years in C Grade without placing before moving to B Grade.
If you have done any sort of physie before but have never placed at Grand Finals, you will be a B Grader.
If you have done any sort of physie before and placed at Grand Finals in B Grade or above, you will automatically be put in A Grade.
If you have placed in any physical culture Grand Final or equivalent as a Senior, you will be assessed by Zone Management and placed in the appropriate Grade.
For more details information, please see the Zone Rules and Regulations